World Class Aftercare | The Treatment is Just The Beginning

Tear troughs are the areas beneath your eye and above your cheek, sometimes referred to as the ‘eye bags’. Dark circles and sunken tear troughs can cause an individual to appear aged, tired or unhealthy. Whilst dark circles can sometimes be fixed by more sleep, greater hydration and a healthier lifestyle, sunken tear troughs can be much more difficult to rectify naturally.

What Causes Sunken Tear Troughs?

Sunken tear troughs are a natural part of ageing as the production of collagen is slowed down over time, leading skin to thin and sag, causing small patches of fat beneath the eyes that cause dark shadows. Tear troughs can also be genetic, even affecting younger people and worsening over as they become older.

What are Tear Trough Fillers and How Do They Work?

Tear trough fillers is a method of reducing the visible signs of ageing and tiredness below the eyes, delivering a more youthful and healthy appearance. Dermal fillers are delivered by small, carefully administered injections to add volume in the under eye area. The filler is usually made of hyaluronic acid, a gel-like substance that naturally occurs in the body.

What Happens During the Procedure?

To begin with, a trained medical professional will conduct an assessment of your under eye area, checking the texture and thickness of your skin in order to determine whether the procedure is suitable for you and if so, which type of dermal fillers are best for your specific needs.

They will then prepare a syringe containing the filler and connect it to a sharp needle which is then injected into the skin below the lower eyelid. The practitioner will massage the area in order to spread the filler and repeat the process beneath the other eye. The procedure can take up to fifteen minutes to carry out and the results are instant.

Are There Any Side Effects and Will I Need Downtime?

Generally, tear trough fillers are tolerated very well as they are made of Hyaluronic Acid. There may be some initial swelling, bruising and redness around the injection sites though these usually improve after 48 to 72 hours and require no downtime. We’d just recommend avoiding touching the area or applying makeup for 6 hours after treatment.

In some cases, such as when treatment has been performed by an untrained or unqualified person, there may be side effects such as infection, lack of symmetry and granulomas, though this is rare and should not happen if performed by professionals such as our practitioners at Skin Consultants.

How Long Do the Results Last?

Tear trough fillers are somewhat temporary, usually lasting around 12 months, however, they can sometimes dissolve more quickly or slowly than this depending on how your body breaks down the Hyaluronic Acid. 

How Much Do Tear Trough Fillers Cost?

Non-surgical treatments such as tear trough fillers are often much more affordable than surgical procedures such as blepharoplasty. Here at Skin Consultants, tear trough treatment starts at £300, however, you can get the exact cost confirmed via a free consultation, where we will assess your individual needs.

Why Choose Skin Consultants?

Choosing to have your treatment with Skin Consultants means you can rest easy in the knowledge that you’ll be under the care of a Licensed Medical Professional. We pride ourselves in delivering industry leading service and aftercare. So if you’re looking for the best results and advice with quality service and impeccable aftercare, you need look no further. Both before, during and after your treatment, you will have access to a medical professional who will be more than happy to answer any queries or concerns.

If you’re thinking about getting tear trough fillers, get in touch today to find out more or book a free consultation at a clinic near you.

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